Tuesday, August 26, 2014

the journey?


what did you see along your journey?



i saw a car passenger who recite Al-Quran next to his driver. So awesome as it touch my heart.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

10 malam terakhir Ramadhan

Berjanjilah untuk berusaha sehabis baik memperbaiki diri di penghujung Ramadhan kali ini.

Jangan sia siakan peluang yg ada. Yg lepas tu lepas la,,

k. take care.

My Internship experience


Internship .. oh internship...

Currently, i'm in week 3 of my internship period.

week 1- serious
week 2- rileks
week 3- more chillex...

next week??

Wallahu a'klam bissowab...

Anyway, its tuesday everyone.. happy working :)