Monday, July 14, 2014


The person who did this to me, terpaksa ak rahsiakan..

but, yes.. i mmg ditikam belakang dan dirompak cash money RM1000.. this happen 2 weeks before my rumah sewa kena pecah masuk.

she was the one yg rapat dgn i.. very akrab and i never imagine she would do this to me..

i will never forget this hateful moment.. this incident give a lot of lesson to me..
 nobody know.. but at last, people who near me and rapat with me mmg tahu who is that particular person..

 yes, i forgive her, but i will never forget.. i can get back the money.. but with all those fitnah.. it ruining me.
bit by bit, my confident level drop down.. my colleges run away from me.. and my everything all getting bad.. the worst, my academic performance getting affected. my stress level are uncontrollable that time.. it is really unforgettable.. me is unlikely me...

that is the impact of backstabbing.i never imagine it would happen to me.. Ya Allah, Thanks for bringing me near to You again.. I'm so thankful

I believe, something happen for a reason.. setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. For me, the hikmah is i'm getting stronger. Alhamdulillah, masih disayangi orang disekeliling, family and friend is my outmost support.

Thank You Allah. :)

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meh la tanya bebanyak kt saya.. ada masa sya jawab...:P